The world is not what we think it is. America is not governed by and for the people. Nor is it a democracy. Money is speech and we are not rich; consequently, we are not free. We are Empire; and throughout history, Empires kill far too many, before they kill themselves. The world is 200+ political entities, and despite what you were told as a young human, the world is no longer jealous of us.
Evolution is a slippery slope. Nature is not solely survival of the fittest; red in tooth and claw. Most life not only seeks balance and moderation, but cooperates and mourns. Animals are not ‘dumb’, unless you mean unable to speak ‘words’, sounds some humans agree have meaning. They don’t project the future like we do, but they remember the past and act accordingly. We are wrong if we think they act as if they are hardwired by genetics only, to act as a wild animal, even as we claim free will for ourselves.
What we call solid is not. What we call resources are not dead ‘parts’, materials to be burned or crushed, remade into something ‘useful’ before being discarded. The purpose inherent in any single human lifetime is not to be a cog in an economic system in order to earn the fiat needed to pay for the ‘cost of living’. We are not beholden to ‘elites’ who benefit from our energy and decide who lives or dies based on our productivity.
What we call government is neither truthful nor transparent. Beyond the obvious conflicts of interests that result from unlimited campaign and lobbying spending that controls the public face of power (through elections) there is the consistent steering of the ship of state by the rotating officials and the lifelong bureaucrats. It is not logical to think that the budget as spoken about in the media (no longer reporters, now mouthpieces reading press releases from government and corporations) is in any way a true or complete explanation of what and how much has been or will be spent to feed corporate balance sheets. Even our local entities hide and misuse funds, often for nefarious purposes. Military excursions are always, repeat, always, about resource control; and again, we don’t know what is done with all the loot and plunder that is an army’s reason to exist. Armies are born out of necessity: by definition, a city can’t support its inhabitants without drawing resources from outside its footprint. When taken from others by agreement we call it trade, when taken by force we call it treasure. Government is not about keeping us safe; it is only ever about ensuring an increase in treasure, because the loss of treasure is the surest path to pitchforks and torches. As long as there are resources to be taken in either way, we can hide our knowledge of the truth. When the plundering comes home, it can’t be ignored much longer. This is where we are today.
What might the world feel like if we stop being fooled? Let’s start with…the opposite of where we find ourselves today. It is a world of difficult but enlightening conversations, when we are curious about the experiences of others and use dialogue to find common ground and shared values. It’s a world of peace because we respect each individual for their gifts and their willingness to share them with us. It’s a world of understanding that our true nature is energetic, not material (solid). It’s a world in which we know we have enough, and we can focus on healing and caregiving, not fighting and competition. It’s a world in which we value creativity and celebrate curiosity; one where we crave lifelong learning and are open to change.
The real point here is this: technology is no answer; it divides and isolates us when we need to be more socially connected than ever. The real healing after trauma happens when people help each other. Dollars are a control mechanism, designed and used to keep us from seeing the truth of our life’s purpose. When I go inside and peer into my heart-of-hearts, the only sensations are love and connection. I’ve been shattered by tragedy, yes, like many (and quite possibly you, too). Let’s not let our scars leave us numb, leave us afraid, or leave us immobilized and suffering. Enlightenment, the goal of some, is not about total, unending bliss. Rather, its purpose is to be present to what is, in this moment, and this one, and this one. It is to be whole: peak and trough, bliss and grief, but always, underneath the stories and emotions, I feel love, I know connection. We won’t get there by voting, by borrowing, by saving in a bank account or getting a new job. We will get there by doing the healing, of self and others, one at a time and by facing what is ours to do in this lifetime authentically. Our world is energy and energy moves, flows, transforms. We move, flow, transform. The time to be aware and guide our evolution is now. Let’s Go Wild.