I remember listening to a recording of Yuri Bezmenov on subversion tactics. He mentioned much of what you did in the first segment. Something particular to me was what he mentioned about the creation of social workers, a job I once did. This is part of subversion as everything else you mentioned. Remove the basic human duties, the basic principle of love thy neighbor, the basic principle of take care of your people and don’t be a waste of an existence, and replace it with government workers who are there to show up to do those duties for a very minimal paycheck. They have no connection to those they serve and across the various settings and environments, I have either worked or volunteered in, more often than not, they will do more harm than good, because they just don’t actually give a fuck and they are dealing with the most vulnerable situations. Of course there are exceptions but ties into the technology as well. We have been selling out our humanity in the name of convenience and automating every element of human life and there we stand, wondering why nobody knows who they are or why they are here anymore. We fucking outsourced everything to the machine.that is why. Thank you so much for this piece. 🙏❤️🙏

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Much love friend ❤️🙏

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Jun 11Liked by Derek T

Thank you to all the articulate writers out there who can form into words the swill of thoughts and emotions I don’t seem to be able to articulate on matters pertaining to modern life and the grip hold the state has over our lives. The machine, the system, makes me soul sick. I appreciate this article and knowing that many others out there feel the same way. Much gratitude to you.

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Thank you for your attention. We are myriad, and continue to find others.

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