I once more heard the plea to ‘vote for the lesser evil’. It echoes the entire platform of HRC in the 2016 Presidential campaign; nothing about overcoming any of our myriad predicaments, no understanding that a vote for evil, lesser or greater, remains a vote for evil.
This is the essence of the modern way: have no vision, not depth of inner wisdom, no internal guidance system; instead do what you are told, think what you are told to think, say what your social media ‘friends’ applaud you for saying. We in the modern mindset are inconsistent, illogical, and unwise. Modern culture keeps us permanently afraid and permanently demoralized…written as without motivation, but interesting if you unpack it…de-moral-ized, as in without morals.
If we remained in our natural, uncivilized, ‘Wild’ state of hearts and minds, we would know without a doubt that we are deathless, eternal, singular unique manifestations of the Universal life-force, a mirror through which All-That-Is sees itself. We would easily see through and ignore the lies so common today:
Be independent, so you are in control and choose your destiny
Masculine traits rule
It’s useless to worry your pretty head about the problems, nothing you can do to change a thing
Blending in garners respect, being unique is ostracizing
The latest iPhone is to die for, Bro….
Toxic chemicals kill weeds and pests, but don’t harm humans (it’s magic!)
We aren’t electrical beings so electromagnetic fields can’t harm us either…
We know cause and effect, because…science
Safety is relative, and effectiveness is what I tell you it is
Transformation is inevitable. The lies, the plastic, the veils…all are eventually seen for what they hide and what they truly are. The map is not the territory, the vehicle of dharma is not the dharma. The transformation happens when all is revealed in true splendor and we ‘know’ our connection to all life and ‘feel’ the love that enfolds us, forever. The dharma is connection, not the idea of connection. The dharma is love, not the feeling of love.
Seeing clearly and truly who you are leaves me feeling connected and validated in who I am. There is no greater love, no better path to Source. It’s Wild.
Thank you for this. I'm having a hard time seeing clearly who I am right now given a hornets nest of grief and watching everything around me have its mask ripped off and showing once again, nothing was what it seemed, and the truth is far more maddening than I would have ever imagined. Watching the draining of humanity out of humans in real time is something I don't have words for. I know this is a bit of a "downer" comment but its just where I'm at right now and trying to find my way through it. Thanks again for what you've said here.