Actually, the guilty plea that's been obtained (for espionage if not mistaken) is a nightmare boomerang for "the west", as it exposes in black and white (for the umpteenth time no less) what many of us have been saying and thinking about the present disconnect between the establishment and the populace. It takes another shot at the idea of press freedom and who gets the final say in the matter. The establishment won and the romanticized ideal of freedom lost.

My impression is that currently everytime the establishment, especially the progressives and entrenched groups or networks, anywhere in the west, seem to make gains, there appear to be unhealthy outcomes around the corner for everyone.

The real tragedy, if we take a step back to look at the big picture, is just how futile and pointless the evolution of human civilization has become in the west, especially considering our technological marvels. By way of analogy, your comparison between Boeing and SpaceX is similar, vision/purpose create a reason to exist.

It's a bit cliche to bring God or Spirituality into the frame, but our current joyless predicament is also the result of living in mazes of human made up rules exchanging human made up objects. The idea that life could be something else other than what we consider normal today, it's either labeled communist for denigration or we pretend it couldn't possibly exist.

Nevermind everyone who wants a spiritually harmonious life or wants an existence (pursuing art for instance) that tries to minimize the impact of ... money.

I still think the real conversation, which hasn't emerged, is about the role of money in ordering our lives. There needs to be a better way to organize human affairs enabling exchange and transactions, relative and more durable value, than our current ideas of money. We've convinced ourselves that thanks to capitalism, humanity has achieved so much, and not the other way around.

Fortunately, thanks to progressivism we also have other Boomerangs like Instagram (and social media in general) and it's continued unintended negative effects, such as propagating perverse incentives favoring short-term individualistic lucrative and promising riches instead of delayed gratification and creating a common good.

Perhaps you're right, we'll reach nukes sooner than we would have thought possible because since we've hollowed out our respective industrial and manufacturing (because short term high profits for a few is better than long term low profits for a few and their cohesive communities) and simply don't have much more junk to throw into the fight. A part of me believes it's possible there's new junk under wraps waiting to come out to play (AI targeting in Gaza and drones in Ukraine are just appetizers), but it only delays the inevitable.

Many years ago in a travel book I read about a Sudanese saying: the strong are judged by how they treat the weak. The rules based order needs the strong to submit to a consensus or a higher power (ex. The rules). Everytime there's been a hegemon, they've always squandered the opportunity to get it right. BRICS will be no different.

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Utterly profound. Thank you for your quick response. Until we change money we change nothing. Our lack of vision and purpose hides the role of money in creating our complete dysfunction. It does not have to end like this, but... Inertia....

May we be grateful for light before it's too late.

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